Great Pyrenees Livestock Guardian Dogs
Since welcoming Ella and Tuck to our homestead two years ago, we haven’t lost a single animal due to predators. They are livestock guardian dogs, and take their job seriously! They both live outside full time, and thrive here on the homestead.
Ella is sweet, and prefers to stay close to the house and guard our children and home. She follows the kids wherever they adventure to on the property. Ella listens for Tuck to call to her, and will join him in chasing predators (both via land and air) off our property. Ella sleeps laying across our front door each night, ensuring everyone in the house is safe.
Ella is due with her first litter of puppies in late 2022.
Tuck is a large ball of fluff who enjoys snuggling, raw milk, and copious amounts of raw eggs. He hunts for most of his food, and especially enjoys venison. He loves afternoon naps, like me, and you can often find the two of us catching a midday snooze in a sunny spot of grass together.
Tuck prefers not to sleep in the barn, but rather continuously patrols the property at night. If he stops to rest, he finds the highest point and sits there - to make his presence known. Tuck guards all the animals, and when he needs a hand (or, a paw!) he calls to Ella, who quickly comes to his side.
The dogs work together, and we highly recommend having two livestock guardian dogs.